
The Owner Representation (Property Management)

Are you the owner of one or several tenements for rental and you want to be sure to have a regular and optimized rental income. When you entrust to BARNES the management of your rental property, you no longer have to worry.

BARNES real estate consultants are rental and property management experts in New York. Our counselors are experienced with a true knowledge of the local real estate market and a comprehensive expertise to perform all property management tasks and assist you with every technical, legal, and tax requirements related to your assets.

Why you should entrust BARNES to manage your assets?

1. Your property will benefit from our expertise to rent at the best price

We will estimate the rental value of your property, based on a central file that lists the prices of properties recently leased and available on the market.

2. Your property will benefit from a comprehensive marketing plan for quick rental

Vi bruker BARNES klientdatabase som lar oss annonsere eiendommen din til en internasjonal kundebase. Vi viser din eiendom i en rekke medier for en rask utleie til den beste prisen. Uten forsinkelse studerer vi nøye leietakers søknader om å leie under de beste forhold.

3. You are free of all administrative and legal constraints

Our American lawyers prepare for you a secured lease in compliance with the latest local regulatory and legal developments. We collect rents, charges, and deposits. We pay the charges and taxes. We help you to chose professionals for any technical, legal and tax requirement concerning your property (relations with administrations, government agencies, insurance companies,…). We report you clearly and precisely on our management.

Our Services

Rental Package

  • Kontoåpning (strøm, vann, internett, telefon, kabel)
  • Leietakerprofil og historikkkontroll.
  • Innkreving av husleie, betalingssporing og ileggelse av bøter ved forsinkelser
  • Inventar, inn/ut
  • Feilsøking og reparasjonsorganisasjon (lekkasjer, klimaanlegg, elektriske apparater,...)

Administrative Package

  • Payment: invoices, condominium costs, loan, property tax, insurance,…
  • Obtaining quotes and subscribing to a home insurance
  • Kvartalsregnskap frakt.
  • Tilgjengelighet og effektivitet i søknadsprosessen.

Our Team is also at your service for specifics needs

Customized service

  • Amerikansk selvangivelsesoppfølging sammen med regnskapsfører
  • Any request and additional travel will be charged per hour (moving in and moving out follow-up, furniture storage, furniture purchase and delivery, various work supervision)